This is what happens after you flush wipes down the toilet

This is what takes place after you flush wipes down the toilet

< iframe width =" 480" elevation= "320 "src= "" frameborder= "0" allowfullscreen >< img style=" float: left; margin:0 5px 5px 0;" src=""/ > This is what happens after you flush wipes down the toilet Flushable Wipes -Do They Disintegrate?

< iframe size="480" height="320" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen >< img style="float: left; margin:0 5px 5px 0;" src=""/ > creator, Tim Carter, does a genuine examination on flushable wipes. Review his column FIRST:

Some flushable wipes look perfect when they reach your sewage-disposal tank or city sewage system link. A substitute bowel movement is likewise shown in this video. Military guys are additionally based on a flush as are Lego playthings and also underclothing.